Psychic Medium Hester Ligtvoet

Reading, Healing & Coaching

Psychic Medium, Paragnost, Helderziende, Reading, Healing, Mentorship, Life & Business Coaching, Personal Energy Management

Reading session can be Psychic (this is all about you) or Mediumistic (contact with the spirit world) or a combination of both.

Sessions can be conducted in either Dutch or English.
Video call or in person at my studio in Amsterdam. I offer a satisfaction guarantee in the first 10/15mins of the psychic/ mediumistic reading.
To schedule a reading, healing, coaching or counseling session: please
contact me and kindly mention your phone number. I will get back to you as soon as I can! Prices reading sessions.

Psychic readings enable you to have some guidance and support, in meaning, purpose, insights and direction in life, or clarity on a specific topic that you have in mind. Mediumship readings offer the chance to connect with loved ones who have passed away. Read more

Energy healing enhances inner balance and reconnecting with yourself. Read more

I also offer coaching and counseling sessions: during sessions there will be opportunity to talk, structuring thoughts to understand feelings. We will work on balancing your energy to know your energy and what belongs to another person. The sessions are aimed at gaining freedom to be who you are, finding meaning, inspiration and empowerment.

You will learn short practical exercises and mindsets, using body-mind, breathing,
yoga and meditation techniques to expand awareness. Experiencing life with more than just 5 senses, to trust and connect with your intuition, soul and spirit - to be able to create and open new doors.

A personal coaching session for your
organisation or business is also possible: I tune in with the energy of your company and we can look at how to move forward in a positive flow.

For your corporate events you can book me to give insightful and inspiring personal energy management and spiritual health workshops.

Please contact me for further information or
to book a reading, healing or coaching session.

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Info Reading NL
Info Healing NL

Elle Magazine naar de helderziende: editor goes to clairvoyant Hester Ligtvoet, Elle Magazine January 2020
Artikel in de yogakrant 2023
Featured in Parool 2025

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